Water Hose
The sizes listed are our standard stock hose ID's. In many cases, other sizes or colors can be special ordered to fit your needs. Contact our experts today for availability and pricing.

5H98 (Grey) and 5H99 (White) – Potable Water Discharge Hose
Tube: Clear Phthalate Free PVC (NSF and FDA Rated) w/Fabric Yarn Reinforcement
Cover: Grey or White Phthalate Free PVC
Temperature Range: 25º F to 150º F
Pressure Rating: 150psi
Stock Size: ¾” ID
5H95 - Contractor Grade Hybrid Garden Hose *NEW*
Color: Black
Reinforcement: Textile
Tube & Cover: PVC/Rubber Blend
Pressure Rating: 150psi
Stocked in Assemblies ONLY (3/4" x 50ft coupled MxF Garden Hose Threads)
5H96 - General Purpose Water Hose (200-300 psi)
Color: Black
Reinforcement: Textile
Tube & Cover: EPDM
Temperature Range: -40º F to 212º F
300 psi: ½", 5/8", ¾", 1"
200 psi: ½”, 5/8”, ¾”, 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2"(H97)
5H32 – Spiral Hot Water Hose
Color: White
Reinforcement: Fabric
Temperature Range: -40º F to 200º F
Pressure: 300 psi: ½", or 300 psi: ¾"
Won’t scuff or mark floors
Sizes: ½", ¾"